Historical Expression

Inspirational vision; reflection of freedom.

It took 46 years to add a new piece of art to the museum’s collection. As part of the 74th Anniversary of the National Museum of History of Castillo de Chapultepec, the painting Visiones was unveiled. It is a commemorative painting in homage to the memory of this illustrious venue. This piece exudes freedom, plenitude, unity and brotherhood.

It represents the integration of two murals that are part of the museum’s heritage: Fusión de dos culturas by Jorge González Camarena and El sacrificio de los Niños Héroes by Gabriel Flores García. These murals served as inspiration for Karla de Lara´s painting.

Both murals are of special importance to Karla because they commemorate two key moments in Mexico’s history. The first was the birth of the Mexican people, the fusion of two worlds. The second symbolizes nationalism, love of country and the sense of Mexican identity that unites us as a nation.

Visiones was the first painting in 46 years to be added to the museum’s permanent collection. Its predecessor, Vista panorámica de la ciudad de Puebla, painted between 1924 and 1930 by Dr. Atl, was added to the museum’s collection in the 1970s.

Karla de Lara

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